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                Warmly celebrate Zhongpu Optoelectronics passing the national high-tech certification

                Column:Company News Time:2017-04-11
                Warmly celebrate Zhongpu Optoelectronics passing the national high-tech certification

                 In recent years, the LED market has been unpredictable. With the continuous recession of the world economy, many companies in the industry have begun to decline. Zhong Spec Optoelectronics has always followed the pace of customers, innovative thinking, and constantly developed and produced equipment that captures the pain points of the industry, which has been recognized by customers. . Through the efforts of all colleagues, Zhongpu Optoelectronics has successfully passed the national high-tech certification. This is both an incentive and a spur for Zhongpu people. Zhongpu people will, as always, keep innovative thinking and continue to work hard to provide customers with equipment that can create the greatest value!