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                Fully automatic filament inspection machine

                Integrated COB double-station row and powder spectrometer Spectrometer Spectroscopy speed: 20pcs6s

                0.5 M ball engineering tester

                Semi-automatic patch testing machine

                ABOUT US

                ABOUT US

                Dongguan city China spectrum optoelectronic equipment co., LTD., located in the scenic city of dongguan south.
                It is a high-tech enterprise which is developed by the research and development team of LED automatic spectrometer.
                Mainly engaged in the development, production and sales of LED photoelectric test equipment, and provide related technical services.
                The following products or services are mainly provided:
                - large power imitated lumen LED splitter (manual, automatic);
                High power LED row test powder spectrometer (whole row test);
                - high power integration, COB single, double station test and powder separation machine;

