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                Integrated COB double-station row and powder spectrometer Spectrometer Spectroscopy speed: 20pcs6s

                Products > Integrated and COB package detection > Integrated COB double-station row and powder spectrometer Spectrometer Spectroscopy speed: 20pcs6s

                Integrated COB double-station row and powder spectrometer Spectrometer Spectroscopy speed: 20pcs6s

                In 2011, the company developed a dual-station integrated COB discharge test and powder spectrometer in response to market demand. It was the first manufacturer to develop this machine. It is mainly used for integrating light sources,

                In 2011, the company developed a dual-station integrated COB discharge test and powder spectrometer in response to market demand. It was the first manufacturer to develop this machine. It is mainly used for integrating light sources,

                COB light source repair powder, split light.

                The equipment is powered by a separate high-precision DC power supply (convenient for different customer needs).

                Considering that the test fixtures can be freely replaced to save production costs for customers.

                At present, our company has more than 300 kinds of COB fixtures, and has established a database of different types of brackets, which can greatly shorten the production time of fixtures. This machine

                Each station supports a maximum number of 32 test pieces (more than 32 pieces need to be customized separately). The standard power supply is Vmax: 60V; Imax: 5A






                光学测量标◣准可以追溯至CIE127~1997, 光学╳测量参数可以追溯instrument system, 电性参数可以追溯





                修ξ 粉速度快,已修好的灯珠可以∮不再测试。
