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                Your current location:  About Us >  Company Profile    

                ABOUT US

                ABOUT US

                About us

                Dongguan Zhong Pu Photoelectric Equipment Co., Ltd. is a national high-tech enterprise developed by the first R&D team of LED automatic Photoelectric detection and sorting
                system in China.

                Sales territory

                The company was founded in 2009 and is located in the Nancheng District of Dongguan,Guangdong province. The company has established offices in Shenzhen, Zhongshan and other cities, such as the Pearl River Delta, Yangtze River Delta and North China, and has authorized some overseas companies to sell.


                The company's main production testing equipment  about optical electrical test and AppearanceDetection (AOI) standards of non-standard equipment; the main products are LAMP、SMD、COB、Imitating lumen automatic testing and sorting machines, LED laboratory testing instrument.  SMD、COB appearance testing machine.

                Technical strength

                Zhongpu is a national high-tech enterprise, has won dozens of national patents, and in a variety of innovative competitions to win the honor.Since the founding of the company, the company's philosophy of "research, innovation,

                value creation for customers" has made the company's research and development have asolid foundation. China Zhongpu photoelectric has a group of advanced technology talents
                with fine division and exquisite technology, engaged in R & D and production for many years, and has strong product design and development capabilities. R & D and technology
                personnel account for more than 70% of the company's employees.

                Zhongpu Optoelectronics actively introduce and absorb advanced production technology,management experience and quality control program at home and abroad, and provide  customers with high quality products  and technical services.

                Management aim 

                Create value for the customer and provide the stage for the struggler Marketing department: Surpassing customer expectations is our ultimate goal R & D department: research and develop the most cost-effective equipment for customers

                Production department: zero error After-sales service department: 24 hours service as the standard, immediate response, immediate action Our staff's commitment to customers: genuinely and sincerely! Service to the end!